1. You want to guarantee your expert is one of the best in the country! |
Eager to share expertise early in her career, Susan has advised nationally and spoken professionally since 1983; her second year in clinical practice. She’s held geriatric faculty positions at two universities and a family practice medicine residency. Since developing a full-time speaking business, Susan provided nearly 700 presentations in 41 states, Europe and Canada. She is among the top 12% of all professional speakers as a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) through the National Speakers Association (NSA).
2. You want an aging/dementia expert that walks the walk. |
Susan is extremely honored to be one of twelve members of the Alzheimer’s Association Best Clinical Practice Guidelines Working Group, currently developing a guide for all physicians and health care providers across the US for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Susan applies illustrative, real-life examples from 35 years as a memory specialist/geriatric nurse practitioner to clarify the most complicated dementia and behavioral issues. |
3. You need an expert who is dedicated, committed and confident! |
Susan is not satisfied unless every client exceeds their goals. She’s proven this with 700 seminars and numerous interdisciplinary advisory boards with clinicians and business leaders. Her programs and consultative sessions impact quality of life for years. Is it expensive to gather your team in one location? Susan is totally comfortable presenting virtually with technology to 300 participants! She has given national radio interviews for XM and CBS radio and TV interviews.
4. You want up-to-date content. |
Her research zeal, professional expertise and speaking ability have yielded her National Speaker Bureau positions at all pharmaceutical companies manufacturing Alzheiemer’s medication.